how Cuban are u

This is about Cuban religion u don't have to be Cuban for this like me I'm Cuban and puetro Rican and jamacian so don't feel like u can't take because ur Indian or Chinese's or something if u wanna take it😀😀

Also this is just a quiz to see if ur a true Cuban or not I remember I gave my cousin a quiz and she failed so bad I made her take a another one and she did great on the other one .😀😀

Created by: justina
  1. When is mothers in cuba
  2. What is the most popular sport in cuba
  3. Is Cuba apart of the united States
  4. Does Cuba have a prince of president
  5. Are Cubans loud??
  6. Were is Cuba closer to
  7. Is it very hot in Cuba?
  8. What is the capital
  9. Does Cuba only one language
  10. Can u leave Cuba let

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