How crazy are you?

There are many crazy people, but few true psychos. Psychos are, after all, rather psychotic. What is a psycho? A completely erratically insane person.

Are you a psycho? Are you a slightly quirky crazy person? Are you crazy enough to fulfil those titles? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this completely awesome quiz, you can find out in minutes!

Created by: Gail Gove Ler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What movie Genre do you mostly watch?
  2. Casual conversation topics?
  3. How annoying are you?
  4. Asked for a weapon for you birthday/Christmas?
  5. Ever wanted to run around screaming?
  6. Best way to kill someone?
  7. Ever pointed a gun at your own head?
  8. Ever cut anyone's tongue out?
  9. Dream about naked guys on ponies?
  10. Do you want to ride a motorbike at over 100mph?
  11. Want a baseball bat signed by Harley Quin?
  12. I'm running out of questions now
  13. Do you want me to finish?
  14. Meh, imma gonna finish this anyway
  15. More questions? Okay, where is your favourite hide out?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I?