How Crazy Are You???

Thers a lot of people say there crazy but are you crazy peeple always say there crazy but theres a certain way to be crazy it's not just how you act but it's who you are being crazy is more than just a lif stlye its its well hell it's being crazy

are you crazy well you'll find out soon check out your results on my quiz!this is so boring just take tha damn quiz already why are we even writing this damn paragraph no one even reads it so why do we have to do this this is so damn stupid people just want to take the damn quiz and thats it no one wants to read

Created by: billy15
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you randomly call people stupid?
  2. Would you ever b*tch slap your principle?
  3. how many times do you threatan someone in one day
  4. do you like to fight for the fun of it?
  5. random wats ur fav color
  6. how many fights have you gotten into?
  7. random what band do you listen to the most thats on this answer list?
  8. do people call you crazy?
  9. do u think ur crazy
  10. did you like my quiz

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Quiz topic: How Crazy am I???