How cool are you?

Many people think they are the coolest person out of all their friends, but a true cool person is a great friend, doesn't lie and LOVES their phone :D.

Are YOU cool? Do you have all the friends to prove it? If you really want to know how cool you are, then go for THIS quiz, the coolest cool quiz there is!

Created by: Destiny

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. True or False: A best friend is there forever.
  2. Approximatley how many Best friends do you have?
  3. How many friends are on your contact list?
  4. True or False: What happens in the bedroom should be kept in the bedroom.
  5. Can you usnertatd tihs wirtnig?
  6. Approximatley how many texts a day do you get?
  7. Do you have a boyfriend / Girlfriend?
  8. Do you get bullied?
  9. This will not affect your answers, Did you like this quiz?
  10. Will not affect your answers :D What quiz should be next?

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Quiz topic: How cool am I?