How Cool Are You?

Have you ever wondered how cool you are? You look at rock-stars and actors and you see how cool they are... but you don't really know about yourself. This will answer that un-knowing!

So are YOU really cool? This quiz will rate your coolness on a percentage level of one through a hundred. Now you can really know if you're a nerd... or if your really cool.

Created by: John Green
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At a party you:
  2. If a hole is a foot wide and a foot deep how much is half a hole?
  3. I tell you I have Pangean ancestry and you:
  4. Your favorite music is:
  5. Do you prefer sunset or sundown?
  6. When hanging with friends:
  7. If you want a friend over:
  8. If a report is due for school (or work, whichever):
  9. You think "Harry Potter" is:
  10. On an average day you spend how much time on the internet?

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Quiz topic: How Cool am I?