How Christian Are You?

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A genius is someone who is good and who loves Jesus! A true genius is someone who knows that there is a one true god and knows that that god is Jesus Christ, our Lord!

Yes, you do! Trust in the lord with all your heart! Seek his will in all you do and he will show you witch path to take! Always remember to take Jesus's path! It is always the right path to take! Always remember God loves you very much!

Created by: Jordan
  1. Whenever you think of doing something ,you are not sure of doing, do you ever think of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) before doing that thing?
  2. What religion, or what religion do you practice, or who do you worship?
  3. How often do you pray to Jesus or God?
  4. How good do you know the books of the bible?
  5. How often do you swear?
  6. Do you trust in the Lord with all your heart or not at all?
  7. Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?
  8. How much do you love Jesus?
  9. Do you believe that you are going to heaven?
  10. Does Jesus come first in your life?

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Quiz topic: How Christian am I?