How Bulgarian Are You?

This quiz is designed to see if how much you know about the amazing country of Bulgaria. If you are Bulgarian, like myself, it will be a breeze for you.

Take this short 12 question quiz to find the inner Bulgarian in you. You will be able to gauge your knowledge about Bulgaria with this quiz. Thanks for your time to take this quiz.

Created by: Nikk
  1. In what region of Europe is Bulgaria in?
  2. What is the capital of Bulgaria?
  3. What is Banitza?
  4. What do you do with colored eggs on Easter?
  5. Who is the Bulgarian president as of 2011?
  6. When was Bulgaria first formed?
  7. Who is the national hero of Bulgaria?
  8. Baba Marta is a tradition in Bulgaria to welcome spring from the harsh winter. You can wear a 'Martenitsa' wristband to promote health and well-being. When do take off your Martenitsa?
  9. What mountain range runs through Bulgaria? What is the name of the highest mountain peak?
  10. What do you say after a toast in Bulgarian?

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Quiz topic: How Bulgarian am I?