How big of an Avatar fan are you?

This is for the show "Avatar: The Last Airbender." Now for some random gibberish! ... Darn! It won't let me talk gibberish! Well, I can garuntee you that you will see random gibberish in the coment box with your score. And I'm copying and pasting this summary for the other boxes I need to fill out. Yeah, I'm lazy so this is the quickest way.

Darn! I can't repeat the first parragraph! You're making it really hard on me, computer! Well, I'll talk about nothing for a few more sentances and see if it works!

Created by: ourgnreief
  1. What is Sozin's comet?
  2. Toph can "see" by using...
  3. What is the name of the Firelord that Aang fights in the series finale?
  4. Who is Joeng Joeng?
  5. How material does Sokka use to make his sword?
  6. How does Aang defeat Kisame?
  7. Badger Moles are to Toph, as the Dragons are to:
  8. How does Jet die?
  9. What happens during the eclipse?
  10. How is Aang able to defeat the Firelord?

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Quiz topic: How big of an Avatar fan am I?