How beautiful you are?

You and other peeps are great I mean awesome but if you brag well... Don't brag it's ok to brag a little but don't do it a lot ok even I would not brag so don't brag thank you

Are you smart yes you are don't let any one tell you that you are a nerd or after you played tell your family that you are pretty and beauty oh and smart

Created by: Angelina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you are going on a date with a boy not your girlfriends what would you wear?
  2. What if someone ask you to go out ?
  3. If you are a boy and you loved someone what would you do ?
  4. What Tv shows do you like
  5. What act do you do
  6. What kind ok shoes do you wear?
  7. What kind of hair do do you do
  8. What do you do outside
  9. What do you shop for?
  10. Do you like to hang out with friends when it's night out or light out

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