How awesome-sauce are you

I don't know what to say So I am ant and I rilly want a trampoline and I like to eat pie and 150 is why to menu characters so only 22 left and I hope you like my quiz

Same thing for this paragraph so I hope you liked my quiz and I Reilly hate writing paragraphs a and want 5,000 dole rs and my 2 fave rot words are happy and yay

Created by: Ant
  1. Do you think you're pretty
  2. Do you like pie
  3. Do you like school
  4. Do you live in mn
  5. Do you eat pickles
  6. Do you stay active
  7. Wate is your fav number
  8. How meny more cuestions
  9. Do you want a trampaling
  10. Hi

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Quiz topic: How awesome-sauce am I