How awesome are you?

Only a few people are truly awesome, like me... what is awseome, being awesome anywho take this quiz to be truly awseome microphone keyboard and mr. t all love you but not me

So, are you almost as awesome as me, na probably not but is mr. t chuck norris bruce lee gumby pokey and popey hells ya keyboard and mic to so pop in on the desk

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  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. Do you skateboard?
  3. What clothes do you wear?
  4. what instrument do you play?
  5. How awesome do you think you are?
  6. badger
  7. Are u a ninja?
  8. What animal r u?
  9. what is your favorite color
  10. was this quiz good

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Quiz topic: How awesome am I?