How are you going to die???

there are many people who think they will die but who knows for you can by taking this quiz for free...just take a few minutes to read the questions and anwswer them.

are you ready to find out what you will die from...are you sure you want to know cus idk if i would want to know...what if its not true...what if its is!!!!!be preapred for the worst.

Created by: meggie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like to exercise
  2. do you like to eat out at chinese resturaunts and or visit chinese towns regularly
  3. do you eat healthy and have a well balanced diet
  4. do you or have you danced furociously before
  5. do you take part in any sports involving weapons like knifes or swords
  6. do you dance...if so how much dancing do you do
  7. how much exercising do you do
  8. do you ever walk though dark allies
  9. do you want to know how you will die
  10. why did you take this quiz
  11. do you think the last to questions effected your score
  12. this is the last question...are you a ninja

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Quiz topic: How am I going to die???