Hero , Nice, Normal, bad, Evil

This shall determine wether you a hero nice normal bad or just evil so be honest and choose the ansers you would usually do in real life and at the end you'll see who u are

If ur wondering who you are this quiz will make you find out who you are and what you do and what personality you have this quiz gauges you in many catergoes

Created by: Kiri
  1. If you see a animal suffering do you
  2. If someone opens the door for you do you
  3. If someone bumps into you do you say
  4. If you see someone on the floor suffering do you
  5. If you broke one of ur friends things do u
  6. If your mad at your friend do you
  7. If you see two people fighting do u
  8. If your in school do u
  9. If u were two see someone esle trying to do something do u
  10. If someone talking to you do you

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