Harry potter quiz

This quiz decide what Hogwarts house you're in all the houses from Gryffindor all the way to Slytherin you'll be chosen into the house which best suits you.

Brave like Gryffindor smart like Ravenclaw loyal like Hufflepuff or proud like Slytherin out of all the four only one and only one will suit you so do this quiz to know which house you are in!

Created by: Shaurya shah
  1. What do your friends describe you as?
  2. There is a giant fire in your house You have 10 seconds to get out what would you do?
  3. You and your friends have to do an assignment, what do you do?
  4. You have to fight a villain into forbidden forest Will you do it or not
  5. What is your life goal?
  6. Do you cheat in class?
  7. When you grow up what would you like your profession to be?
  8. What do you want people to think of you when you die?
  9. Where would you sneak into?
  10. You just defeated an important villain will you celebrate?
  11. What do you do when you have free time?
  12. Some fifth years are bullying a first year friend you are a third year will you stand up to them?
  13. You go to a shop to buy some booms for Quidditch. But you get a little undercharged. What do you do?
  14. Which house would you not like to be in?
  15. You win against a game of magical chess against your friend What do you do
  16. Which house would you like to be in?
  17. You see your friend cheating what do you do?
  18. What is your biggest nightmare?
  19. What would your wand be made out of?

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