Half an hour in Heaven

This is a bit dirty! But there are four guys. I'm not gonna tell you what there names are because you have to be surprised. Anyway your coming to a party.

YOUR FORCED TO COME!!!! Whether you like it or not ok after a couple of questions they dont count anymore.You got that. And PLEASE DONT REPORT ME!!!!!

Created by: tabsta1
  1. Pick a number:
  2. Pick a letter:
  3. What would you do when you get in the closet?
  4. I dont no what else to do so who likes pie?
  6. When I'm Kissing you my senses come alive
  7. Do you wanna go all the way
  8. What do you want to get upto in the closet?
  9. Will you rate?
  10. Eill you comment?
  11. Please dont report its a bit dirty!

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