Guys, do you think you got a big one?

There are very small details about relationships that people look at and know you can take a quiz that will make you look at the small things in your relationship that could make a big difference in your life and the lives of the people who love you.

Relationships can be very hard to deal with. Some are very healthy and others are abusive,even in a passive way. Now you have a way to find out since you are probaly in denial

Created by: Katie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your marital status?
  4. Do you have children?
  5. Would you consider your partner your safe landing?
  6. Do you ever feel small around your partner?
  7. Has your partner ever put you down?
  8. Has he/she ever broke your belongings or hurt an animal to get at you?
  9. Has he/she ever made you perform sexual acts that you were uncomfortable with?
  10. Has he/she ever hit,slapped,push or choked you or a past partner?
  11. Do you live day to day walking on glass?
  12. What would you do for your child/ren?
  13. Do you have to get permission to get money?
  14. Can you talk to the opposite sex without being accused of something?
  15. Do you have a sense of self worth?

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Quiz topic: Guys, do I think you got a big one?