Guinea Pig Quiz | Comments

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  • Lettuce is safe for guinea pigs to eat, so that question has incorrect information. Iceberg lettuce has barely any nutritional value, and it can cause digestion issues for them, so it should be avoided. But... Romaine lettuce and a couple of others kinds can be eaten by them, but only once every two days, or so. Hope that cleared up some confusion to some people, if they've been feeding their piggies lettuce, and thinking that they've messed up. :)

  • I have never seen so many incorrect statement in one test. Guinea pigs can safely eat all lettuce except iceberg lettuce, cos lettuce is good to keep them hydrated. You should not lean a guinea pigs ear, they can eat fruit like Apple and look here of the much more than ten breeds of guinea pig [no urls]%20pig%20breed s.htm. Plus, guinea pigs are not social, they literally eat each other, and their mates am their children.

  • That is incorrect!!! We don't need to get our facts right, you do!


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