Guessing Your Current Mood - Girls

Disclaimer: This test is NOT 100% accurate, but it will get close enough to touch base with how you are currently feeling. If you're bored or genuinely interested in playing then take the quiz and have fun! Please enjoy!

Feel free to comment if you would like anything about the test improved or changed, since this is my first one and I'm making this at like 4am. I'm tired. Haha.

Created by: LizzardQueen
  1. How are you feeling today on a scale from 1 - 10?
  2. How productive have you been today? With things such as; Education/work or Home life (weekend or in general).
  3. Describe your feelings collectively by choosing one of these animals...
  4. Choose a snack
  5. Pick a vine reference:
  6. Pick something that you desperately want right now:
  7. Pick a feeling:
  8. Pick your preferred location:
  9. End the sentence: "What is love? It's...(Your answer)"
  10. Finally, have you enjoyed this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Guessing my Current Mood - Girls
