Guess the Lyrics

Many people are great at remembering lyrics to songs, play's or even musicals. But do they know the answer to the quiz. Take it and lets see how you did!

Do you know these songs? Do you have what it takes to pass this QUIZ! Take the quiz and lets see how you do. If you don't pass you might want to rethink about being a master at lyrics.

Created by: Minions R us

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "All I know all I need is your ______ baby you make me hot like an ________"
  2. " Hey let's not ___ _______ alright"
  3. " The bed is getting _____ and your not here"
  4. "our fears become ____ ________"
  5. Who sings "see you again"
  6. ______ ___ ___,_________ __ ___, I can't hold it back any more.
  7. My hearts a stero _____ _____ ____ so listen close.
  8. " We could be ______.
  9. DJ play my ______ on the radio.
  10. It's a brand new _____.

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