Are You A Bully, Victim Or On-looker? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You A Bully, Victim Or On-looker?

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  • Yeah, I'm on-looker. I didn't like to interfere other people business. I just thought that I didn't know why that bully does that to the victim. So better ignore than getting trouble. btw, your quiz is great! I looooove it:)

  • I'm mean to the bone but I don't bully anyone, 'cause no one bullies me. They know what they'll get if they try anything.

    But I got an on- looker result anyway, but I'm just sayin'.

    Dis quiz was cool. :P

    I like music
  • I'm the bully but i don't bully, does that make sence? well to me it does, i bully the people who DO the bullying if you get my drift.

  • Thanks for the feed back guys! show this to your friends :D


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