When will i get my period??!! | Comments

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  • It says I'll get it in a few weeks!!! A suggestion is to change from liking guys is girls/guys cause not every girl has a period infact not every one that has a period is a girl

  • i guess i'll get in a couple months. :)

    • Im the only one out of my whole year group who hasnt got it and they all talk about it a lot especially my friends. It makes me feel really young when I have to say no all the time when people ask me if I have it yet. Even my best friend calls me a baby for it.

      Im 13 and Im in year 8 atm. Everyone in the year group has their period except from me and this weird kid called mArtha, who asks everyone if they have their period yet and in general makes everyone feel really uncomfortable.

      All my closest friends have their period and I feel so left out and I want it so bad, so I can tell all my friends I have it and they might actually treat me like Im not in year 5.

      The result just came back as in a few weeks though! So maybe Ill get it soon! and I can finally fit in.

    • I get that all my friends have it I just feel like a baby and they make me feel like a baby even when theyre not trying to also did you get it?

    • nope cause I 9


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