Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

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  • Haha I got a 15% for my OC Azakumu, a wolf girl that was abandoned at a young age and was picked up by the local witch to be her apprentice after the witch found her in the dumpster. At kindergarten she meets her best friend Ivy. One day Azakumu accidentally got some magic in her eyes which turned both of her eyes red and to have greusome nightmares and hallucinations, which caused her to be afraid of the dark for all of her life. Around middle school she develops a crush on Ivy, and in their sophmore year of highschool, Azakumu confesses her feelings, but since Ivy is aromantic, they just decide to be together.

    I'm a sucker for happi endings, ok-

  • Ooo, this was fun! I got 23%- I understand it, honestly. I usually don't use her as a MAIN main character but just as a character for my fanfics of others for a certain scenario (a host of a room, kind of)- but her backstory itself is generally very mary sue-ish. Now she's just kind of a servant though

  • 27% isnt horrible, but I havent built her up as a character much yet, so theres definitely room for improvement. My Ocs name is Shyntdira Tekenurden and she was created when I started reading the Legend of Drizzt series, so naturally shes a dark elf. Instead of her eyes being red or purple, she has green eyes with subtle gold flecks (I hope its not too Mary Sue-ish) and she is a young priestess from one of the top ten most powerful houses in a neighboring Drow city, Ched-Nasad. Her personality aligns more with the followers of Eilistraee than of Lolth. Im still working on her though.

    Styx And Tryx
  • 31%, I understand lol.

    My character is a fan character of voltron. He is currently unnamed, and older than me (16-17). He's supposed to be a garla, altean mix. His backstory is,

    he was a young boy in a village on a mythical planet, he lived with his parents (who soon die of natural causes), and was always visited by his 4 friends and cousin. Him and them built ships with a weak black void magic, to power them. (I planned that his planet had the weaker version of the void magic than the lions.) But was a total fail due to their planets weak resources, also causing the black void to break out. (In voltron a villan consumes the void, causing him to become evil.) They consume or suppose take in the void magic giving them powers, like; speed, teleporting, transforming, reading minds, holographic. But the unnamed character takes in more (or since he's the leader, his ship took more magic.) Giving him; Shields, lightning, transforming, use of meteorites, and a teleporting power. But he never uses them unless they're in great danger, he usually uses a garla sword and altean sword. He also wears a hooded cape, as he has trust issues to people using him for his powers. (Trusts his friends and cousin though.) He, and his team(friends, cousin) meet voltron during a fight with the main villan, deciding to help them. They follow voltron in their own remade ship. The unnamed character only uses his powers during the altean portal, and 2 big fights with the main villan. Then proceeds to show his face when they get back to earth.

    I do sometimes when listening to music, pretend I'm him during his fights lol. I don't write about him, no no! I just wanted to make a voltron OC with some of my friends and cousin joining in.

    • his weakness is darkness, as he is sorta a light powered guy. He's afraid of the dark, so he refuses to use his powers if he can't see, naturally, because he doesn't want to accidentally hurting his friends, and just plain scared of what's in the dark. His limitations, he can't use his powers for long, which is sorta why he doesn't use his powers a lot. But if he really needed too, he can take energy out of things around him, but it just causes him to be even more restless/weaker

      after till he fully heals.

  • My OC is Ben, a subject to a scientific genetic experiment that caused strange abilities in all the recipients. He has an appearance that makes him stick out like a sore thumb (silver skin like the silver surfer). He struggles to accept his new self and his strange abilities don't make it any easier. He's kind of a klutz that ends up taking his way through most situations. He got a 33%. Is that bad?

    • I think he's balanced pretty well, unless he's immortal. A 33% isn't bad, it's actually quite good. It depends on how far his abilities go, and how popular he becomes due to his appearance, positive, or negatively. I feel like he wouldn't be a gary sue, but what do I know?

  • A got a 14%! I guess I could really spice the character up a bit :)

    My character's name is Aquila (Eagle from latin). Her kind has the same physique as humans, except light green skin and two heads (her name is a pun, referencing the double-headed eagles on most European coat-of-arms). She was born to a poor family in a small town, and was orphaned at 5. She roamed around for a few years begging for food, until she was picked up by some bandits. She grew up with them, and eventually started pillaging with them. She became very good at melee combat because of being left handed (which in real life gives a lot of advantage in a sword-fight). At the age of 20 she left the band, and became a mercenary. At the beggining of the story itself she and her 2 friends work at a bar in a random god-forsaken town, and essentually protect it from other bandits in exchange for staying rent-free at the second floor of the building. They still need to get money however, and so they take stereotypical adventure quests from strangers that end up going through that bar. The story is for an animated series in the making, and every episode will be a different mini-adventure, kind of like Rick and Morty in terms of length.

    There is also a special way members of Aquila's race grow up:

    In adults, both heads have polar-opposite personalities, but despite that are more or less in sync. They have 1 will and mind however, and balance eachother out. Every adult has 1 dominant head, which ends up defining in which direction the personality goes. That head can talk, while the secondary head is mute for life. Despite the main head making the decisions, the second head always has influence over it.

    When they are born, both heads are mute. As the child grows, both heads develop those polar personalities, and eventually, based on the decisions and unbringing,one of the heads becomes the dominant one and gains the ability to speak, roughly at the age of 12.

    In Aquila's case, the main head is selfish, smu

  • got a 40 percent

    she is a demon slayer fanfic character she is a daughter of the main villain and hates the fact that her mother was very naives because that had resulted into her mother's death she basically is there to help tanjiro complet some of the missions they go on together but has many flaws and is pretty forgetful her hair is white and she has a gold eye from her mom and red from her dad.

    her mom is a high ranked mage so there was some inheritance of her mothers power and because she is the daughter of the main villain she also inherited some demonic abilities

    does anyone thing she is overpowered because I really don't know

    also sorry about no grammer

  • 15%

    Well, that's better than I expected, to be honest, even if I did work very hard on this kid.

    My OC is a sixteen-year-old boy named Rayven, yeah, I know, sounds cliche and like everything else, I'll admit, when I got the idea for him I didn't hardly know ANYTHING.

    Rayven's mother owns and teaches a dojo, and as such he is superb in that area.

    His story begins after a doctor's appointment, Rayven's got some extreme mental problems, and these come up later.

    As he likes to hike, he goes on one, and stumbles across a book. Yeah, a book, it's a magical book, but he doesn't know that.

    His blood is spilled across the pages, and with a jerk, he's transported to a new world.

    Because I was only 12 when I made this world, it's called Fallfay, and now I'm too attached to the name to change it.

    Obviously, he's freaked the heck out, but he's found by a elven girl named Airlia.

    Wait, elven?

    Well now, this world is WAY different from what he expected, if he had been expecting to be transported to a magical world at all (he wasn't).

    After two months with her family, he finally decides he has to get back to his mother, and his little sister Rosie, knowing they'd probably be better off without him but not really caring.

    The girl, Airlia, goes with him when he finally gets up enough courage to seek out the three magical pendants, that, if combined, will create a portal back to his own world, along the way, they meet another elf, a boy named Soren, and the three of them become a wonderful team.

    However, not all is as it seems, (obviously) and Rayven comes to realize that although he had no meaning to, he made it all about himself. But he also comes to realize that the new, beautiful world where he actually feels he belongs to, is harboring a dark threat.

    The tyrant King Madro is twice his match, and the three friends soon come to realize that not all evil can be conquered.

  • I really like this test! I am an aspiring writer myself and I often do this test to see if my original/fan character is a very sue, since I really like making them OP and with generally bad family backgrounds. It's very useful since I often can't judge my own characters objectively, or is suspecting that I'm judging them too subjectively even if I'm right. This test is easy to do and offers me a simple overview of my character as I do it. So it really helped me out. Thanks a lot!

  • Did my character, Renata, and got 24%.

    She isnt exactly a Mary Sue in her appearance, in fact she looks like a total girl failure. Shes just some human scientist that used to be all evil until she found her true love and soulmate. Not gonna lie, Im pretty sure this test just didnt ask very specific questions related to my original character.

    • I love girl failures, tbh theyre rlly cute. Also I love science! Does she have like deep lore? If you wanna talk about her lore with me, Id listen very eagerly (I am a very big fan of villains that know science)

  • Pretty nice 22%

    Might as well leave a lil summary for my oc haha! He's an MHA oc, 19 years old, and a sidekick. He has a very powerful healing quirk, which can even bring people back from death of its been led than 5 minutes. (Inspired by the work my mom does as a first responder) His power comes with a big drawback, though. It rapidly drains his energy, in a way that can be fatal. Idk how it will happen yet, but I'm planning for him to be attacked by a villain (cuz what else are you gonna do but beat the s--- out of the healer yk?) Since he isn't great for fighting, he ends up losing and getting a kick ass scar, because they are fun to draw and I have my own scars... Like me, he hates feeling powerless more than anything. And for s---s and giggles I made him 6'2 and gave him the most snatched waist ever lmao

  • I got a 27% for my OC Emmra Drop.(her story is actually based off of a role play I was apart of) she was born into a cultist like religion. she serves as a spy for her colony. after a few missions she realizes how different the colony's lives are compared to the other places she was seeing, she started to want to leave the community she was in and join the others. there was two options, leave now and be searched/hunted for by her community or wait till her next mission and despair seamlessly without a trace. she's impatient and decides to leave right now, she was being hunted and searched for she hided in a small cave to hopefully escape the search party's and then met another person hiding named lunar, he was hiding because they were being hunted down as a ritual sacrifice. (lunar is not Emmra Drops love interest) a lot happens and at the end Emmra did not have a good ending so to say but on the bright side lunar returned safely to his family so yay ?

    sum more info:
    likes journaling & drawing & singing
    is not really good at drawing
    ex best friend is named willow

  • Got 22% for my oc named Asuka Amaha. She gets abused by her parents and is a demon. She has black eye whites and red eyes and white hair with indigo on the bottom (not from hair dye) she wears comfy clothing and is a Demi girl and a lesbian. She has a girlfriend, and is lazy but is a kind person that would risk their life to save a person they just met, shes kinda chubby but its not overweight.

  • Actually see him unravel through the writing. He's a character I put hours of research into and developed for years to give him depth, I just hope it wasn't all for naught. Edgy as he may be, he's not that far off from many big name stars we know today, be they from our generation, or many since passed.

  • My OC got 23%. I honestly didn't know how to answer some of the questions, as the way my story works is a bit of a special case compared to the answers given. For one, my story, in a way, deliberately uses tropes such as "karma for the antagonist" or "edgy for the sake of being edgy" as plot points, as my oc, who is technically too morally gray to be considered good or bad, starts to become self-aware and realize the one-dimensionality of his world, and that's what drives the plot forward. I would really like some genuine feedback for my story, but I'm a bit unsure on how to explain it thoroughly, as it's pretty long.

  • Heyy, I got 56% for my character.
    It's perfect.

    But I still need to make her more of a mary-sue.

    So basically, i want to make a story that makes fun of the mary-sue and I'm having trouble coming up with a generic mary-sue name. Can anyone help me? Also, should I have her with blonde hair or brown hair? She'd be the type to complain about her "boring mousy brown locks", but I also feel like I've seen more mari-sues with blonde hair.

    Also, I made her middle and last names "Amy Sure", so I just need a first name hehe. I want to achieve ultimate character perfection.


    • You should give her blonde hair, the Regina George kind of blonde hair.

    • Also, you should give her four names. The other two should me Diamond Rose

  • 15%

    welp, I guess I should ask if shes boring. creepypasta oc btw. also sorry for bad grammar and being out of order. :/

    Shes known as The Babysitter, but her real name is Chris. Her mane weapon is a metal softball bat. She also has a backpack with the following supplies in it: Children's toys, water, food/snacks, books of nursery rhymes & old wives tales, hair ties, medical equipment, complete mask, multiple fabric masks, Sharp things. Idk if Splendorman has proxy's, but if he does shes one of them, if not, she just works with him. Her targets are late babysitters, parents who leave before the babysitter gets there, adults who bother her. shes asexual, because who needs relationships? Not her! Shes 16. I think. she likes cows, children, fake curse words, socks, Splendorman. dislikes; Chickens, adults, Jeff, BEN, Slenderman, high heals. Instead of a catchphrase, she sings old nursery rhymes. method of killing; bashing heads in with her bat, blood letting, other old wives tales weirdness. she also dresses pretty similer to me, and has short black hair. She was abused and neglected a lot as a child, and thats why she doesn't like adults, but protects children.

    • I forgot to mention she's a human with ptsd relating to chickens. (don't ask)

    • I think she's way cooler lol

    • I actually left a description for another one of my millions of OCs on Ash_Animate's comment, so feel free to read it! Also I forgot what my score for her was haha (she was the first one I tested this on)-

  • Yeet. Kaydia Winterwood, she lives in mid-evil times and was an orphan since the start after her mother overdosed and her father was just some rando. She has terrible memory like, sure she's not Dory, but it's still pretty bad. She was one of a few orphans from the orphanage that survived after the 'Dragon Flayers', eight warriors said to defend the 'Last Ones' against dragons. She's 18 percent sue, and I have no idea why... sure she's not incredibly pretty, and she's asexual, but love is hardly important. My opinion anyway.

  • I've done this for a few of my characters, and this one is probably my lowest yet (19% for context) most of the answers were no, this character is based on me, her name is Blair Archambeau. she is a queen in a kingdom roleplay me and my friends do, her husband is named Arthur Blanche. she is known as the "Witch Queen of the North" to other kingdoms, but it's only rumored she can actually do magic

    backstory in summary: she is the hundredth generation in a now-century old witch bloodline, magic is outlawed in the kingdom she lives in (her family is a Noble family), from a young age she was supposed to marry the prince to make peace between the Archambeau and Blanche families. she actually ends up falling in love with the prince. her mother, Armara, is not happy with this marriage from the start, and at their wedding, she curses the prince to slowly fall out of love with her daughter.

    currently, they still love each other, but soon he'll start to love someone else and she will end up using her magic to take over the kingdom

  • I got a 8%, the Oc or M (dosnt currently have a actually name) comes from not of a slice of life kinda story so there pretty normal with a average life. The thing that is special about M is that they have a incurable disease were a flower started growing out there eye and the flower spreed more and more slowly killing them so by the end of the story they die So it's pretty much a angst filled slice of life slow moving story so 8% fells about right to me.

  • 23%. I'm not too surprised about this, noting that a few of the mary sue-esqe questions that involved looks I answered 'yes' to. I just think if you were to really look into my character's backstory, you'd sorta understand it more. The character I used was Tayami Ito, which was for creepypasta. Her backstory plays a huge part in her appearance, and I'd have to go into her entire backstory which would take too long to fully unfold.

  • 17%! I just wanted to make sure, but I knew my OC wasn't a Mary Sue. This OC is the most depressing out of my other ones

    My character is Kate Keller and she's 16 years old. Her past is quite frankly very tragic and suffers from PSTD due to her father and step-sisters death. Her father's death was caused because of her mother. Why? Well, her mother abused Kate when she was 12 and her father found out. Her father soon took Kate away from her abusive mother and took care of her. Her mother was enraged and planned a murder that would take place at Kate's 13th birthday on April 5th.

  • My oc is called Ryo. She is a fan character for DDLC. You can say she is kind of a jerk. She always carries her bat around. In the inside, she is scared, lonely, and sad, but she hides it with her rude attitude. She was in a store when she was 6, and there was a shooting there, but she was able to escape. Ever since then, she trained to become strong so she would never lose anyone again. She has black hair, her left eye is blue and her right eye is red. She has psychosis, but she hides it. She shares her true feelings, (not love feelings, she explains that she is scared, and sad, and she only confesses her love once) and every time she does she cries. (Spoiler) at the just Monika ending, she comes and swings her bat at her, and the reason she was alive was that she knew all along, so when Monika tried to delete her, she made a copy of herself.... and she got 35% marysue, and Im planning to make a mod out of her

    DDLC is my
  • TBH, i kinda expected 32%. My character is a 16 year old thats half fox and half human. I wouldnt consider him a Mary Sue, he isnt loved by everyone in the story, just a few. YES he has powers, but only like 2/3. Anyway, about my Oc, the Oc I used for the quiz was the second Oc I ever made, named Life, hes from another universe with an elemental power, earth. His (un biological) brothers also have different elemental powers.

    • Life sounds interesting.

  • 21% Well, who would've guessed that a fast snake boi named Xenon would get pretty low... I based Xenon off of an SCP (I don't think many really know what that is.) That has immeasurable speed and resembled a large insect, though I changed the little file a lot. Added more weaknesses and changed him to be more snake then insect, and incredibly weak physically. Hope I deserve this score!


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