What Elemental Spirit are you? | Comments

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  • Your Result: You are the Fire Snake 84%

    resultThe snake animal meaning is powerfully connected to life force and primal energy. In many cultures, it is revered as a powerful totem representing the source of life. Those with planets in fire signs have a simmering at-the-ready stance, as they hunt for things that light them up. They're prone to sudden illuminating flashes of insight and bursts of enthusiasm. Like fire itself, they can flare up when inspired, making them seem very passionate about life. They like to live large, and often feel frustrated by mundane chores and duties. Fire signs are known to be intuitive, and to rely on gut-level instincts. Going on faith in their inner guidance gets them far, but they have a tendency to skip crucial steps, or to be unaware of the emotional impact of their actions.


  • Your Result: You are the Fire Snake 84%

    resultThe snake animal meaning is powerfully connected to life force and primal energy. In many cultures, it is revered as a powerful totem representing the source of life. Those with planets in fire signs have a simmering at-the-ready stance, as they hunt for things that light them up. They're prone to sudden illuminating flashes of insight and bursts of enthusiasm. Like fire itself, they can flare up when inspired, making them seem very passionate about life. They like to live large, and often feel frustrated by mundane chores and duties. Fire signs are known to be intuitive, and to rely on gut-level instincts. Going on faith in their inner guidance gets them far, but they have a tendency to skip crucial steps, or to be unaware of the emotional impact of their actions.


  • Your Result: You are the Water Hawk 81%

    When you have the hawk as a spirit animal, you may have an inclination towards using the power of vision and intuition in your daily life. The hawk totem provides wisdom about seeing situations from a higher perspective, using the power of observation, and focusing on the task at hand.Water signs are attuned to waves of emotion, and often seem to have a built-in sonar for reading a mood. This gives them a special sensitivity in relationships, knowing when to show warmth and when to hold back. At their best, they are a healing force that brings people together -- at their worst, they are psychic vampires, able to manipulate and drain the life force of those closest to them.Hawk is the messenger of the spirit world Use the power of focus Take the lead when the time is right Power to see, clear vision Strong connection with spirit, increased spiritual awareness

    Wow. I don't know if this describes me well, but I'm going to say this is really good.

  • Your Result: You are the Earth Horse 91%

    resultThe horse spirit animal symbolizes personal drive, passion and appetite for freedom. Among all the spirit animals, it is one that shows a strong motivation that carries one through life A driving force, what you thrive for or carries you in life A secondary meaning for the horse spirit animal is the balance between instinctive and tamed part of your personality. Sexual energy, especially but not limited to masculine energy Strong emotions, passionate desires Like earth you are stable and caring, but are known to have an eruptive temper. They're sensual, meaning they engage with life through the five senses. It takes time to sense the dense physical world, and earth signs can operate at a slower, more thorough pace than the other elements.

    Still The Best
  • Your Result: You are the Water Wolf

    Like water you are always flowing and moving, not much can stop you You are strong and passionate and work well with people who are air. The wolf offers instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. This animal can also symbolize fear of being threatened and lack of trust. Water offers you, strength, Joy in freedom, strong emotions. You are strongest in your inner circle but don't trust new people easily. The most important people to you are you friends and family.

    Yep, that sounds like me :P. Although, my zodiac sign is an Aquarius, and that element is Air, but I also like water and wolves, so it was a good quiz :).

  • Your Result: You are the Water Wolf 83%

    Like water you are always flowing and moving, not much can stop you You are strong and passionate and work well with people who are air. The wolf offers instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. This animal can also symbolize fear of being threatened and lack of trust. Water offers you, strength, Joy in freedom, strong emotions. You are strongest in your inner circle but don't trust new people easily. The most important people to you are you friends and family.

  • NIce quiz! I got water wolf and it sounds accurate. rated *****10stars*****

    Your Result: You are the Water Wolf 76%

    Like water you are always flowing and moving, not much can stop you You are strong and passionate and work well with people who are air. The wolf offers instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. This animal can also symbolize fear of being threatened and lack of trust. Water offers you, strength, Joy in freedom, strong emotions. You are strongest in your inner circle but don't trust new people easily. The most important people to you are you friends and family.

  • I am sorry there are not more questions here and answers, i ran out of space and this was my first quiz. If you did like learning that little bit look up online there is a huge amount of information on there that will allow you to work this stuff out down to a t. =D O.o)>

  • Water hawk,I would like to manipulate water powers if I could and it would be cool being able to fly to so I can travel and go wherever I please. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • Air horse

  • Good quiz! I got Water Wolf and it sounds a lot like me!


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