How Nevadan are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Nevadan are you?
77% I have lived here my whole life and I live in the Reno/Sparks area. I have only been to Tahoe 1 time. I don't fish. I can stand the summer heat, but I will never go into Tahoe again. It hit me just this morning. A bunch of fish live in Tahoe right? So... Where do they go to the bathroom at? There's your reason. I'll go into a pool, for they have no fish.
99%, grew up there. Also, this seems to have a bias towards people from the Reno area. I grew up near the capital, and I couldn't give a damn about the Truckee river in all honesty (I had the Carson).
Derp1 -
I have lived in Nevada since I was 2. Now I'm a twelve. (I'm a girl) I grew up in Pioche (if you live in nevada you should know what that is) all of my bffs live there 2. Last summer I moved to Reno now I go to billinghurst.
luver61 -
I am 14, have lived here and have grown up here my whole life and it said like 46% Nevadan and then the other quiz with u know ur from vegas when... 47%.. WhAT?! XD
oNLY 58%?! I have lived in Nevada for 2 years! That's great for me!
Robyngal1 -
%79! And I only lived in vegas for about 6 years!! Wasn't even born here :-D
70% and never been there
CuteCat21 -
72% and have lived here my whole life (14 yrs.)
75% and was only born there
98% & don't even live there :P
Umm im only 56% and i live in nevada. that kinda sucks.
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