Goofy, Crazy, or plain INSANE!!!!!!!!!!

There are so many people in the world being called goofy. When you call someone that you should take time to think about the three levels of goofy that there is. There is goofy, then crazy, thenplain INSANE!!!!!!!!!!! If someone has ever called you one of those things this quiz will tell you if they are right or wrong.

What are you? Goofy? Crazy? OR plain INSANE? This quiz will tell which one you are. Are you too far up the goofy trail?! Is there any way to save you?! Take this quiz and find out just how crazy you are!

Created by: Alexandra
  1. Do you evar fin urself spellin tins rong for no reasin?
  2. Do you ever shout random sayings?
  3. Who are you?
  4. Which do you like more?
  5. How do you spell supercalafragilisticexpialidocious backwards?
  6. Which book series would you rather read?
  7. How do you say hi?
  8. Do you remember why you started taking this quiz?
  9. Do you come on this website constantley?
  10. Which is your favorite animal?

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