Goodbye...part 22 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Goodbye...part 22.

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  • WHO is there for Rosella? :o Jess did WHAT to Jev? WHY is the car spinning out? And I love how random Rosella's mind is XD So many questions, so many cliffhangers, and I can't wait for part 23 ^^ (I actually caught up! :) )

  • I think you should make another part if you think the story should be expanded. That's what sequels are for anyways, adding more to a story and discovering more about characters. So, logically I think you should make another part but that's my opinion. It's totally your desicion and either way I won't be disapointed because you've already written a compelling story for people to enjoy.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Aaargh tell me what happens!!! I can't take all these cliffhangers :P

  • I do not want to know the feeling in being in the car at that point. NEXT ONE PORFAVOR!!


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