gamer quiz number1

if people call you a gamer but you wanna prove them ur not or the other way around this is for you so take this to prove them wrong you arnt a game or are u check it out!

ARE U A GAMER if people call you a gamer but you wanna prove them ur not or the other way around this is for you so take this to prove them wrong you arnt a game or are u check it out!

Created by: pat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what system do u have?
  2. tv size?
  3. how many hours on game a day?
  4. online?
  5. met a friend of an online game?
  6. get the latest games?
  7. have gamer partys/ get togethers?
  8. pay to play?
  9. really good at a online game (cod halo 3 WOW)?
  10. u listen to music when play?

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