fun bleach quiz

This is a pretty easy quiz if you know about Bleach And if you know a lot about it you'll probably get every single one right maybe you will think its fun.

Are you able to get them all right if you watch Bleach you probably will because i think this is a pretty easy quiz try your best any way you should try your best all the time any way.

Created by: rylan
  1. who is the strongest Bounto?
  2. What is Ichigo's Zanpukto's name?
  3. who is the main character in bleach.
  4. What is the first Bleach movie called?
  5. Is Ichigo's Dad a soul reaper?
  6. What is the name of the 10th squad captain?
  7. How many Sisters doe's Ichigo have?
  8. is Ichigo's Mum alive?
  9. My Resolve is to________? [finish sentence.]
  10. What family adopted Rukia?
  11. What episode doe's Ichigo become a Soul Reaper on?

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