Frozen Quiz (1 & 2) (DISNEY)

Dude I was just bored and lol it took so freaking long just to think of questions also why am I awake at 2 am like lmao (I need this to be 150 words, so yeah, Hi)

So it's basically a Frozen quiz, you'll probably need to have watched Frozen II to pass this. (I need thise to be 150 words so WEEEEEB)

Created by: Just A Weeb
  1. What's Anna's solo song in Frozen II?
  2. What's Elsa and Anna's parents' name?
  3. What's the name of the Water spirit horse?
  4. How many older brothers does Hans have?
  5. Which one did Olaf NOT say?
  6. Finish the lyrics! "Can there be a day beyond this night?"
  7. Who named Olaf?
  8. Who is the current Queen of Arendelle?
  9. Another finish the lyrics!"But I'm here for a reason... Could it be the reason I was born?"
  10. How many years after the death of her parents does Elsa come of age?
  11. How many salad plates does Anna say belong to the castle in Arendelle?
  12. While dancing with Anna, what does the Duke of Weselton say people call him?
  13. What is the name Kristoff calls Oaken that gets him thrown out of "Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna"?

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