Free Rice .com!

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Freerice is an ad-supported, free-to-play online game that allows players to indirectly donate rice to charities by playing multiple-choice quiz games.

For every question the user answers correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated to the World Food Programme. It's THAT EASY to change the world! Go to freerice now!

Created by: Free_Rice of Freerice
(your link here more info)
  1. Please visit freerice .com!
  2. It has 21 different learning categories!
  3. For every question you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to a person in need!
  4. You basically save the world by clicking links!
  5. The ads are what pays for the rice!
  6. An ad is displayed when you answer a question correctly!
  7. It's very educational! Great for studying!
  8. So, please visit freerice!
  9. You can make a free account or just play without one! Your account tracks the grains you donate!
  10. Okay now go to freerice!

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