Five Temperaments: Phlegmatic Blends (Inclusion) Test

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Five Temperaments is a theory in psychology, which expands upon the Four Temperaments proposed in ancient medical theory. This is the only free test online which measures the Phlegmatic blends in the area of need called Inclusion.

There are the three areas of interaction in the Five Temperaments, which behavior and personality are divided into: Inclusion (How much you generally include other people in your life and how much attention, contact, and recognition you want from others), Control (How much influence and responsibility you need, and how much you want others to lead and establish procedures and policies), and Affection; (How close and warm you are with others and to what extent you want others to show warmth and support to you). These three areas of need were taken from Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO) and used in the Arno Profile System (APS) to measure the temperaments. This test will measure your Inclusion score for each of the 8 Phlegmatic blends.

Created by: Ezekiel
  1. I would describe myself as...
  2. I have very little concern about the past or future, I live for today and today only.
  3. At times I drift off in thought, oblivious of my surroundings.
  4. I am extremely stubborn and do not accept punishment, I reverse it.
  5. I'm fond of socializing, but another person must prove they accept me or actually want to associate and socialize with me before I respond.
  6. I'm talkative, cheerful, bubbly, and often in the centre of a conversation.
  7. I'm strong-minded, once my mind is made up, I have a hard time changing it.
  8. My personal attitude about myself and other people is that...
  9. I give off false messages, appearing to want to socialize and associate with many people when, in reality, I am highly selective with people (I only attend social events of my own choosing), reject invitations, and require only a limited amount of socialization.
  10. I'm very resistant to change in any form.

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