Feminine and Feline

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READ THIS FIRST!!!!!!!!! Everything was going like normal until the meteor hit. Earth was thrown into chaos. All power plants shut down and therefore all communication was lost. Total anarchy broke out. When some form of organization and safety began to emerge, the meteor had one more surprise for the world. Something about it created mutations, and the possibility of magic has been taken back into consideration.

The earth has been ravaged with evil, magic, and pure desperation. But beams of light have shown through, and each and every human searches and craves for that precious light.

Created by: CountryRider
  1. I observed the situation before me with a heightening sense of hopelessness. The leaves were beginning to turn color, and the nights were getting colder. I prefer to stick to myself and stay from all signs of people, but I have no choice. I needed to find materials to provide warmth. This would be the first winter since the meteor hit, and I wasn't about to freeze to death after everything I've fought through. Before me was a Walmart that was guarded by some terrible looking men. Inside was all I needed; a heavy jacket, some knifes, boots, a blanket, and a lighter. I would go for a gun, but I already decided to stick with my silent bow and arrows. Plus, I can always make more arrows, but I can't make more bullets. Looking down at myself I realized I could use some first aide materials as well. But looking back to the men guarding the doors, I had to remember my priorities. First aide will come last.
  2. After watching the men for a good period of time, I noticed their increasing glances at the sun. They must be watching for the time. This means only one thing, a change of the guard. I've already found a way in, but a distraction needs to happen for me to pull it off. I could get in through the roof, and a convenient tree had grown tall enough for me to climb and achieve a position on the roof. I can remain hidden until on the roof, then my mud smeared arms and face will do no good. I did this specifically to observe the Walmart. Personally, the feeling of dried mud on my skin is unpleasant. Across of my position a group of men emerged from the trees, undoubtedly the new guards. I took off my slingshot from my side and loaded it with a rock. Silently I moved to the side of the tree and aimed. I would have to wait for the opportune moment or try another day. Out here, patience has become my best friend. I watched as the old guards stretched and gathered their guns and ammo from behind their makeshift barrier. The others sat just talking. This would be it. I let the stone loose and I hit one of the old guards square in the back of the head. He stood and spun around, his hands turned to fists. He started yelling at one of the others, he thought it was him. A fight broke out between the two of them and the others either argued or tried to stop the fight. I bolted up the tree. At the top I checked to see if the fighting still was going on, and it was. I leaped to the roof and landed perfectly, thank you adrenaline. I sprinted to the air conditioning vent and quickly took the top off. I dived through and hit the hard surface of an air duct.
  3. I sat a moment to slow my heart. Plus, I had to listen, make sure that all was clear. One could have seen me, but I don't think so. Outside I could hear the muffled yelling grow softer. After all was silent for a good ten minutes, I turned to my knees. I crawled as silently as possible through the system until I found a grate looking down into the old supermarket. I removed and set it besides me, again, silently. This is the sole reason I've survived, my silence has given me the ability to melt into shadows. I poked through the opening a shred of cloth, when it wasn't shot from my hands I deemed it safe enough to poke my head through. Below me I saw the results of the meteor. Most shelves were knocked over, and the ones who weren't had some blood smeared on them. What was salvaged from the chaos was organized into groups in a cleared area. If it wasn't for the risk of being found, I'd stay here for the winter. I lowered a rope down into room and found a place to tie it. Before I trusted my weight on the rope, I tested it. When it proved to be secure, I scaled it's length down to the floor. When down I looked around to try and find any danger. I found nothing. I carefully crept to the piles and was careful not to step on anything booby trapped, if any. I finally reached the piles and carefully extracted what I needed (along with the first aide equipment). Since I had some room in my satchel I grabbed some extra things too. A pistol with plenty of bullets in case of a close encounter, some food, a water bottle, and a brush. The brush seems a little frivolous... but I can't stand the knots in my long black hair anymore. I made my way back to the rope and climbed back to my safe little air duct.
  4. When my rope was gathered and put back in place, I returned to the rooftop entrance. I put through the cloth again and then my head. Surveying what was before me, I knew I'd be here a while. The sun hadn't yet set and the guards not only looked irritated, but highly alert. I sat back and took an energy bar from my pack. It will be long couple of hours.
  5. My eyes opened to find total blackness. s---. I fell asleep. When I felt around I could tell I was in the same place, but I had no idea what time it was, nor the situation outside. A screech and gunshots sounded outside. I tensed and leaped onto the roof. I didn't take a moment to look around. Something was going on and I wasn't about to be a part of it. I practically flew down the tree and into the forest. My bare feet were soundless on the damp soil, something I relished in when in full sprint. My heart pumped so strongly I could feel the rhythm throughout my entire body. When I finally slowed, I scaled a tree and looked back. The Walmart was relatively small in the distant, but that's fine for me. My eyesight is excellent. There were figures there, they must have been the men, they were scattered and lifeless. I shuddered as a lanky black creature came into view. Even from this distance I could see how disfigured it was. The legs and arms were the same length, stretching to what I estimate 10 feet. The body was short and hunched, the head small. It stood on it's back legs and uttered an ear piercing screech. I shuddered and uttered a small groan. All animals in sight fled from the noise, everything from the smallest insect to the fearsome grizzlies. I stayed composed however. I knew it had found some sign of me and was angry I escaped. If I revealed my position and it sensed me, it would undoubtedly come for me. I just reminded myself that I've overcome situations like this, this wasn't the only horror I've witnessed.
  6. When the creature finally stopped scrounging around and settled to feast on its kills, I slowly and carefully descended to the forest floor. I continued on my way at a light jog. Even though I was in no hurry, I always felt that I should always keep my endurance up in this new world I live in. You never know when you are going to need to get somewhere fast. Eventually I slowed to a walk, letting my body return to it's normal state. I reached a stream with a steady flow. The water was very clear and there were no insects around. I decided it was safe to drink. I kneeled to the ground and immersed my caked face into the refreshing chill of the water. I gently rubbed off all remnants of the mud from my face and arms. I took my satchel from my back and searched its contents for the brush, which I easily found. I gently worked my way through my tangled black hair, which took a good hour. I took the water bottle from my satchel and filled it with the precious liquid. I packed everything back up and looked at myself in the reflection. My black leggings remained to look decent considering what they've been through, and my black Grimm t-shirt was still in good shape. My black hair was remarkably still shiny and at my waist, my bangs never really grew out, framing my face in an edgy way. My face was still pale, even with all the sun I've gotten, and my eyes shown an ice blue. Overall, I looked pretty damn good for living entirely on my own. But what does that matter when know one is there to keep you company. A tear escaped my eye and fell to join the stream as if it never existed. The memory of my brother flooded my eyes with a vengeance. Our parents were extreme meth addicts, so my older brother always took care of me. He looked so much like me, only with grey eyes. His laugh would shake a room and fill it with joy. His smile would light up the darkest of rooms and shake up any tension. No one messed with me, even the gangs, all because of him. I never got a scratch, which is a miracle in the neighborhood we lived in. He told me everything, even when he didn't want to. I was his baby sister, and he was my guardian angel. When the meteor hit and everything turned to chaos, he was the one to keep me safe. He always had an emergency stash of supplies in case our parents got into serious trouble and we had to flee. We ditched our parents and immediately found our way to an isolated area. We were in good standings too until.... no. I'm not going to think of this. Not now. The memories of Dylan will have to wait for another time.
  7. I put my feet into the water and walked upstream until I found a large and beautiful willow tree. Its long branches stretched out and moved with the flow of a breeze, the longest ones dipped into the water. The trunk was thick and gnarled, and as one of the last green trees around, it would provide the perfect shelter for some rest. I stepped from the comforting water and felt my toes curl to the cold breeze. I bent down to dry off my feet, hoping that some warmth would return when I remembered my new boots and warm socks. Once extracted from my things, I threw them onto my feet with excitement. Tonight I will be warm. When I climbed up the willow, it took a moment for me to grow accustomed to the clumsy nature of the boots. When I finally found a suitable and hidden branch I settled down into my new jacket and blanket. Instantly I felt the affects of the day and grew my eye lids grew heavy. I slowly allowed myself to fall into the dark abyss of sleep.
  8. I woke to sunlight filtering through the willow. I quickly put my things away and climbed to a higher point. I need to asses my surroundings. Nothing of noticeable danger was near so I felt safe to go back to the forest floor. I sat a moment to think about what to do next when my stomach growled. I groaned. I have some more energy bars, but they aren't what I need, I need something filling. **FAST FORWARD** I looked into the cave. debating whether or not I should enter. With my sling shot I flung a rock deep into it. I listened to the echo and waited for something to stir inside, but nothing did. I kept my back to a wall as I crept into the darkness. If something was going to surprise me, I would see it first. I held my lighter in front of me and squinted to try and see everything. But that was a difficult task. Finally, I found what I was looking for, a fresh kill. Some predator had killed a deer and dragged it in here, I simply followed the tracks.
  9. I kneeled down and inspected my find. There was plenty for my to store luckily. I cut off strip after strip of meat. carefully wrapping each piece with clean cloth. Behind me a vicious growl erupted and I froze. I should have been more careful about this. Slowly, I pivoted on my heels and rose to full height. Staring at me with true malice was a snow leopard. Her golden eyes tracing my every movement, her snarl quivered with the low guttural growl sounding from her throat. My hands gripped the knifes. I was not looking forward to this. Her claws and teeth will easily rip through my flesh, and I will have to fight for my life here. This is not exciting for me because I respect cats so deeply, they are so much like myself. But that is not enough to let this leopard to kill me. Her tail swept back and forth and her weight turned back onto her haunches. She was preparing to launch. I tensed, ready for the attack, but it never came. The ground began to shake and I instantly remembered science class. Earthquakes can be fatal. I dived to the side and curled into a ball. Then complete blackness enveloped my consciousness.
  10. That's all for today! I'm sorry if you didn't like this to much... but please remember that this is just the first one! (And yes, eventually guys will be introduced ;P)

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