Fantasies and horses

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Hello! Please be seated and settle down to take this few minute test. Remember, use all your intelligence for this test! Be the best and beat the rest!

Do YOU want to qualify? Do YOU wanna be top person knowing all about fantasies and horses? Then come on in! Be seated and take this test and you will be done in a few minutes!

Created by: Hannah
  1. What's a Pegasus?
  2. What's a Unicorn?
  3. What kind of horse is the most beautiful?
  4. What horse runs fast in a race?
  5. Which of these is a pony?
  6. Which of these are not ponies?
  7. How many horses are there usually in a herd?
  8. How big is a Shire?
  9. How small is a Shetland?
  10. Is a Belgian Warm Blood big or small?

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