F.R.I.E.N.D.S Quiz!

There are many F.R.I.E.N.D.S fans around the world, but only a few can call themselves F.R.I.E.N.D.S geniuses. That's why I have created this quiz for the benefit of the fans.

Do YOU think you have the knowledge to become an official F.R.I.E.N.D.S genius? Up until now this question has always been a mystery to you. Take this quiz to find out if you are a F.R.I.E.N.D.S failure or a F.R.I.E.N.D.S fanatic!

Created by: alice
  1. Who said this, "Neat! I'm gonna die alone!"
  2. According to Phoebe, what does the future hold for her, when she reads tea leaves in "The One With The Tea Leaves"?
  3. What does Rachel's sister Amy do to Emma in "The One Where Rachel's Sister BabySits"?
  4. Why does Chandler take Joey to a clinic in "The One With The Wedding Dresses"?
  5. Who, according to Rachel looks just like Mr.Potato Head in "The Pilot" (aka "The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate")?
  6. Who discovers Rachel's bra amongst Joey's things in "The One Where Joey Moves Out"?
  7. According to Ross, where did the fire start in Phoebe's dollhouse in "The One With The Dollhouse"?
  8. How did the fire start in Phoebe and Rachel's apartment start in "The One Where Ross Dates A Student"?
  9. What does Chandler give Monica for Valentine's Day in "The One With Unagi"?
  10. What does one of the bullies do to Chandler in "The One With The Bullies"?
  11. What does Chandler's mum do to Ross in "The One With Mrs. Bing"?
  12. Why does Rachel loose her job at Ralph Lauren in "The One With Princess Consuela"?
  13. What do Monica and Chandler call their twins in "The Last One, Part 1"?
  14. Who pretends to be Joey's agent, Estelle in "The One Where Estelle Dies"?
  15. According to Joey, how long does it take for him to drink a gallon of milk in "The One Where Joey Speaks French"?
  16. Which new piece of furniture do Chandler and Joey buy after their dining table breaks in "The One With The Dozen Lasagnas"?
  17. Why does Ross take Marcel to the hospital in "The One With Two Parts, Part 2"?
  18. Why does Monica destroy the foosball table in "The Last One, Part 2"?

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