Eliana Knowledge

How well do you know Eliana? (stupid site wants some frickin amount of characters, I dun wanna write those characters, let's see how far this aimless rambling goes, and then I can copy paste it later on for the other stuff that also need the same amount of f---in characters. How's that quiz site? Why oh why do I need to ramble aimlessly for something that's completely pointless in the first place?)

How well do you know Eliana? (stupid site wants some frickin amount of characters, I dun wanna write those characters, let's see how far this aimless rambling goes, and then I can copy paste it later on for the other stuff that also need the same amount of f---in characters. How's that quiz site? And apparently I can't repeat the first paragraph so I have to try and be original.)

Created by: Marie
  1. How old was Eliana when her mother died?
  2. Which of these names if not one of her brothers?
  3. Which city did she move to after leaving Italy?
  4. How old was she when she realized she was attracted to girls rather than boys?
  5. Which of these are not any of Eliana's favorite girls names?
  6. What would she have been named had she been a boy?
  7. How many girls did she almost end up with before finding the right one?
  8. Which of these items has she not brought along from Italy?
  9. How many of his children did Eliana'S father keep with him after his wife's death?
  10. True or False - Eliana refused to go to Gordon Parks' Academy

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