Element Sorority

We use 6 Elements within our forum but the major four Elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. While the Elements in and of themselves help to describe our basic nature, once combined in our overall astrological chart, they help to define us as a whole and complex person. Not all have to believe this, but I find it interesting all the same.

In looking at an individual's astrological chart, the presence of more Fire Signs may well indicate a fiery, combustible personality. Along the same lines, the absence of Earth Signs would indicate someone who is not very grounded or practical. The presence of a mix of all of the Elements would be a sign of a well-rounded individual.-taken from astrology.com

Created by: Deanna Russell
  1. Favorite season:
  2. What time of day?
  3. Do you prefer:
  4. What color:
  5. Which animal do you like?
  6. What animal do you least like?
  7. What zodiac sign are you?
  8. I am:
  9. Which one describes you:
  10. What kind of instrument?
  11. Choose one:
  12. Pick one:
  13. Best quality:
  14. Which Place?
  15. What would you rather use or have?
  16. Pick a number:
  17. What plant?
  18. What would you rather smell?
  19. Pick one that you think you could work on:
  20. What do you treasure?

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