educational quiz

this quiz will show if you ever have nice brains! BRAINS! no I am not a zombie please comment and rate! I enjoy your feedback! now TRY THIS QUIZ! TRY IT!

are YOU a genius? do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious mind-blowing quiz? until now, you can wonder! but thanks to this AMAZING quiz, you can find out!

Created by: kiritoSAO
  1. what is the capital of Russia?
  2. what is the full name of Einstein?
  3. what is the best anime show of all time?
  4. I know. the last question was nothing to do with real life education. WHO DSCOVERED GRAVITY?
  5. what is my name. TECHNICALLY a real life question that's educational!
  6. what is the meaning of male?
  7. what is the difference of thunder and lightning?
  8. which of these is NOT correct
  9. which of these IS correct
  10. which of these is NOT a school subject (HIGH SCHOOL)

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