Economic Ideology Survey

This questionnaire will ask you questions to determine your economic ideology. You will be placed into an economic system at the end of the questionnaire.

Please keep in mind that economic ideologies are extremes and most people range somewhere in between these ideologies. This questionnaire will provide you insight into which one you lean to but will not be a de-facto answer to which system you identify with.

Created by: Daniel Miranda
  1. Who should own your nation's land?
  2. How do you feel about patents?(Patents prevent others from using your inventions or ideas)
  3. How do feel about the income tax?
  4. Do you support sales taxes?
  5. How do you feel about the minimum wage?
  6. What would you ideal president (or prime minister) be like?
  7. Who should control a nation's oil and natural resources?
  8. What do you think of welfare?
  9. Who are the real job creators?
  10. Who is the best at managing their oil?

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