Drake Bell is hot

I love Drake bell he is the love of my life and I want to marry him becuause he is hot and I want to spend the rest of my life with him because I love him!

Drake bell is a great person and I want to met him and marry him because he is hot I love him he is hot because he just is! Yes he is hot because I love him!

Created by: pacergirl17
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long has Drake been an actor?
  2. What shows has Drake been in?
  3. How old is Drake?
  4. Does Drake have a girlfriend?
  5. If Drake acts in movies what does the fans do?
  6. On a scale of 1 to 100 how eould you rate Drake Bell?
  7. If you marry Drake what would your last name be?
  8. Has Drake Bell ever been in True Jackson VP?
  9. Is Drake HOT!
  10. Has Drake ever been to Kentucky and been to Thunder over Louisville?

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