Domestic Violence Signs

Not everyone's family looks or acts like the Brady Bunch, or like the nice families on Neighbours. In fact, most families have stresses and arguments. But even though things in families can get stressful at times, there are some things that should never change.

This quiz asks about how you feel around your family. It helps you to work out if there are any warning signs that you are not feeling ok at home. GOOD LUCK!

Created by: ChatAid

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I feel relaxed when I am around my family.
  2. My parents look after me.
  3. I worry about how one member of my family treats another.
  4. My parents care about me.
  5. I feel nervous or scared around certain members of my family.
  6. I trust people in my family not to hurt me.
  7. Everyone in my family is treated like they are important.
  8. I worry that one member of my family might hurt another.
  9. My parents treat each other with respect.
  10. My parents help me with any problems.

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