Doesn't fireprincess1996 rock?

fireprincess1996 ROCKS! AWESOMNESS IS HERS! Go fireprincess! YOU ROCK!! You totally rock!!!!!!! You are awesome!!!!!!!! You are fabulous!!!!!! U R FANTASTICAL!

I don't have an account, although I wish I could! Please try out some of my quizzes. And of course ALL of fireprincess's! PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP?

Created by: PandaGirl
  1. Does fireprincess1996 rock?
  2. Do you like waffles?
  3. fireprincess1996 does rock, you think so right?!!!!
  4. Which one is the most popular kind of chocolate?
  5. I'm sorry (VERY) for all of the randomness. Please forgive me!!!
  6. I really like fireprincess's quizzes! Don't you?
  7. Do you like taking quizzes?
  8. Will you please try to take some of my other quizzes? Even though I don't have an account? I am sorry for all the randomness and stuff. But seriously, fireprincess1996 rocks!
  9. Do I have a sparkly greenish yellowish frog slap bracelet?
  10. Will you help save the endangered pandas?
  11. Thank you so much for taking my quiz!!!!!!!!!!! Please rate and/or comment!
  12. By the way, RemysFault, this is by PandaGirl. I am NOT KIDDING. LOOK AT MY OTHER QUIZZES!!!!!!!

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