Does Your Personality Shine?

Ppular girls think they shine, but do they? When people say yor nothing, don't fall down. Stand up higher and ignore them! Wise infortion, beleive me. I've been bullied

Do YOU SHINE? You should take the quiz to find out. You need some words from the quiz to tell you that you shine! Oh well if you don't beleive at first oh well.Who cares.

Created by: Rae
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Tryouts for Dance Team, do you immediately sign up?
  2. The Marching Band needs a new Majorette, they ask you. What do you say?
  3. Do you like to perform?
  4. Out going, shy, insane, or menatlly lopsided?
  5. Are you popular
  6. Do you have adoring friends?
  7. Do you Have theater talent? Dance talent? Singing talent
  8. Do you get in trouble in class for blurting the answers?
  9. Do you like...
  10. Can you whistle Live While Were Young?

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Quiz topic: Does my Personality Shine?