Does your crush REALLY like you?

Ever wonder if that "special someone" actually likes you back? Well in a few minutes you'll find out! Love is a scary thing to deal with so just sit back and relax, I did all the work for you!!!!

Created by: Ranie
  1. Does he tease or make fun of you?
  2. Is he good looking?
  3. Does he look at you often?
  4. When he talks to you (if at all) what does he say?
  5. Your on a date, where does he take you?
  6. Has he ever told you about his feelings? If so what did he say?
  7. How many years/months older/younger is he?
  8. Does he like anybody else you know?
  9. Has he ever kissed you?
  10. Does he act awkward around you?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush REALLY like you?