Does your crush like you back? (Accurate!)

I believe this quiz is an accurate quiz, but hey, if it's not, don't chastise me for it... This is only the internet, I'm trying to "help" people to find out if their crush likes them or not.

This quiz may not be helpful, but I am still trying to improve it. Please rate and comment also! There may be some typos (example, I'm a girl so I may just put "he's" and "his" and "him" in the quiz at some questions, but I'm used to sorry if that happens! Good luck! xx My advice: BE TRUE TO YOURSELF AND TO OTHERS. MOST IMPORTANTLY, LET YOUR TRUE COLORS SHOW!!! :D

Created by: Diamond_L8
  1. First question's first! =D Does your crush ever stare at you, etc in class, outside of school etc etc.
  2. If you answered Option A or B on Question One, does he/she...
  3. Does he/she ever smile at you?
  4. Does he/she mind when you are assigned to work with him/her? (Etc, school project, science experiment) Or does she/he complain that they want to work with their friend, another person etc?
  5. Does she/he try to make you jealous in front of you? (Etc: Flirting with other girls/boys.)
  6. Has he/she ever touched you affectionately? (Etc, hug/kiss/hold your hand etc etc?)
  7. Has he/she ever offered you something at no cost? (Etc: a cupcake, bracelet, answers to a hard math question...etc)?
  8. Are you pretty close friends with he/she? (Etc, you know most of his/her secrets, knows his/her family..etc)
  9. Why do you like this person?
  10. Have you ever tried asking him/her if they like you?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back? (Accurate!)