Does your crush like you back?

Are you willing to know if your crush really likes you? The answer might make you in heaven, or tear your heart apart. But no fear! This quiz is 100% honest, and no joke will it lie to you!

DO NOT LIE IN THIS QUIZ! It will give you the wrong answer, and you might even break your own heart or make yourself in heaven when you really aren’t meant to be. So, DO NOT LIE!

Created by: Elisha EE
  1. How long have you known him/her for?
  2. How often does he/she look at you?
  3. How interested are they to know about you?
  4. How nervous is he around you?
  5. They make an extra effort to talk to you.
  6. They surprise you with lovely gifts, especially on Valentine’s Day.
  7. They make excuses to spend time with you.
  8. Do they blush at you?
  9. Do they ever send you this when you guys are messaging? 🥵🥵🥵
  10. ⚠LAST QUESTION! ⚠ Choose carefully… do you think he likes you?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back?
