Does your crush like you? ^_^

Many girl have a crush, not everyone gets the guy they like. This quiz tests if you and your crush really fits! i really hope you twoo fits! good luck!

This quiz tests if you and your crush fits! i wish you good luck and yea... thats all... i really hope you and your crush fits! I wish you REALLY good luck!

Created by: MissMirre
  1. Does he stare? ;3
  2. Do YOU stare? ;3
  3. Do you really love him?
  4. Do you think he is cute? ;3
  5. Do you like this quitz so far?
  6. Did you answer banana or pickles?
  7. Did you lie in this quiz?
  8. Does he blush when you look at him?
  9. Do you blush when you look at him?
  10. Do you wanna be his gf?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you? ^_^