Does she like U(boys only)

There are lots of girls out there but is the one you are crushing on like you back? This quiz will help you find out so you have to take it. You might be surprised she might like you more than you know.

Does she LIKE you? Is she giving you signs you just not reading right? Intill now you would never know. But this quiz is your answer. You could find out in just a few minutes.

Created by: Jamie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she ever smile at you?
  2. Does she laugh when she is talking to you?
  3. Think quick, what color r her eyes?
  4. Does she ever play with her hair when she talks to you?
  5. Does she look into your eyes?
  6. Does she look into your eyes?
  7. R U friends?
  8. Do you know her last name?
  9. Have you taken other quizes that say it will work out.
  10. Do you really want to date her?

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