does justin bieber love you?

many people love justin bieber but does he love you back???find out in this quiz i dont know what to say but good luck and do your best to impress plz rate me

i have no clue what to say so im just gonna talk about me failing my own quiz just kidding that never happend but imagine your self failing your own quiz lol

Created by: kaeleigh or (kaylee)
  1. do you love justin bieber
  2. when is justin biebers birthday?
  3. what kind of underware does justin wear?lol
  4. wat is justin favorite food?
  5. what is his middle name?
  6. when does justin bieber take a shower?
  7. wat is his dogs name?
  8. do you like my quiz
  9. wat is his fave color
  10. why is he so cute

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