Does He Like You (No Sugar Coating)

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A lot of quizzes can trick us into thinking guys like us when they really don't. They make quizzes that trick girls into having to take more quizzes because they give you sugar coated results

Does he REALLY like you? Are you sick and tired of taking every other dumb "Does he like you" quiz on the internet? Do you want an un-sugar coated result?

Created by: Love Guru
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. For how long have you know each other?
  2. When did you guys add each other on social media?
  3. How much do you guys talk?
  4. How did you guys meet?
  5. Age difference?
  6. How do you guys usually end up hanging out?
  7. Does he compliment you?
  8. What does he compliment you on?
  9. How is his dating situation?
  10. How does he respond to your jokes?
  11. What you guys talk about (most)?
  12. Does he tease you
  13. How much physical contact has there been between you guys?
  14. What interactions has he initiated?

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