are you ready for a sugar glider?

Are YOU ready for a pet sugar glider? Take this quiz, I may be easy, but to others it can be hard. But of you fail, DON'T GIVE UP ON STUDYING!!!!

Are you a true sugar glider owner cmon don't hesitate! We all know sugar gliders for their cute little poison faces!!! But your already on the page, so in a few minutes you will find your dream pet!

Created by: janna
  1. How much time should you spend with your sugar glider?
  2. How can you tell a female from a male sugar glider?
  3. What should you NOT feed your sugar gliders?
  4. When do sugar gliders sleep?
  5. What do sugar gliders love to do?
  6. Will your cats and other aggressive animals eat a sugar glider?
  7. How should your sugar glider cage be?
  8. Sugar gliders are an
  9. What's a baby sugar glider called?
  10. Baby sugar gliders are born hairless but how does a mother keep her babies warm?
  11. Are you an animal lover, or an animal hater?

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a sugar glider?